learn the most wanted calisthenics skills, planche and front lever

Why PLANCHE Is Impressive

Being able to do a planche is really cool because it shows off some serious Calisthenics skills. Here’s why it's so impressive:

Incredible Strength: Pulling off a planche means you’ve got amazing upper body and core strength. You’re basically holding your whole body straight and horizontal just with your arms—that takes a ton of muscle power!

Balance and Control: It’s not just about being strong; you also need to be super steady. Keeping balanced with only your hands on the ground while the rest of your body is in the air is really tricky.

Skill Level: Nailing a planche isn’t something you can do overnight. It takes lots of practice to get your technique right, like figuring out where to place your hands and how to align your body.

Core Workout: Your core has to work overtime to keep your body in line and stop your hips from dropping. That level of core strength isn’t easy to build.

Flexibility: You also need good flexibility in your wrists, shoulders, and hips to pull off a planche, which means you’ve been taking good care of your joints too.

Mental Toughness: It takes more than physical strength to master the planche. You’ve got to be mentally tough, sticking with it and pushing through all the tough planche trainings.

It’s Rare: Not many people can do a planche, so if you can, you’re part of a pretty exclusive club. It’s a real standout skill that not everyone can achieve.

Because of all these factors, being able to do a planche is a sign that you’re at the top of your fitness game. It’s a big deal in the fitness world and definitely something to be proud of!

Beginner Planche Program

Get more info about what you get in the beginner planche revolution program

Straddle Planche & Full Planche Program

Get more info about what you get in the Intermediate planche revolution program

Advanced Planche Program

Get more info about what you get in the advanced planche revolution program

Why Front Lever Is Impressive

Doing a front lever is seriously impressive and showcases some top-level Calisthenics skills. Here’s why people get amazed by it:

Amazing Strength: To pull off a front lever, you need incredible upper body strength. You’re basically holding your whole body straight and horizontal, facing down, using just your hands to grip the bar. That requires a lot of muscle!

Balance and Control: It’s not just about muscle power; you also need super control and balance. Keeping your body level in mid-air with nothing but your hands on the bar is tough and takes a lot of practice.

Skill Level: Mastering a front lever isn’t a walk in the park. It takes careful practice to learn the right techniques, like how to engage your core and how to position your arms and legs.

Core Intensity: Your core isn’t just casually involved; it’s the star of the show. It needs to be rock solid to keep your legs and torso from sagging down as you hold the lever.

Total Body Workout: While it’s a lot about core and arm strength, you also need good back and leg strength to keep everything nice and straight. It’s a full-body effort!

Mental Grit: Beyond the physical challenge, there’s a mental one, too. You’ve got to stay focused and push through tough training sessions to get this move down.

It’s Unique: Like the planche, not many people can do a front lever. If you can manage it, you’re doing something pretty special and rare. It’s a real head-turner in the gym or the park.

Beginner Front Lever Program

Get more info about what you get in the beginner Front Lever revolution program

Straddle Front Lever & Full Front Lever Program

Get more info about what you get in the Intermediate Front Lever revolution program

Advanced Front Lever Program

Get more info about what you get in the advanced Front Lever revolution program
Beginner Front Lever program teaching you how to learn your first tuck front lever and advanced tuck front lever

Beginner – Front Lever Revolution

Start your journey to mastering one of calisthenics’ most impressive skills with our Beginner Front Lever Program! Designed specifically for beginners, this six-month course will

Advanced Planche program that teaches you Finger planche, planche pushups, planche press, iguana planche, straight bar planche

Advanced – Planche Revolution

Unlock Elite Strength and Control with Our Advanced Planche Program!

Read the full info about the Advanced Planche Program

Are you ready to

Beginner Planche program by Daniel Hristov called Planche Revolution

Beginner – Planche Revolution

Our Beginner Planche Program is thoughtfully designed to take you from no experience in the planche to mastering the tuck planche and advanced tuck planche